The homegrown Indian brand Lava has probably set a new benchmark for phones under ₹20,000 in India. Once the smartphone market under ₹20k was flooded by Xiaomi and Realme phones and no other brand could compete with the value for money they offered but now the time has changed and these two brands are particularly focusing on ₹20k - ₹30k price bracket which is more profitable for them and want their user to shift in this price bracket which has left a gap under ₹20k price bracket with mediocre phones and Lava has taken its chance to shake things up.
Let's start with specs first -
- Display - 6.78 inches, 1080 X 2400 pixels, AMOLED panel with 120Hz refresh rate and HDR 10+ support with 950 nits of peak brightness. The display is quite nice but is too much saturated hence I would suggest you to change the setting to vivid mode. And the display itself is curved on both sides which we have seen mostly on premium phones. But the problem of accidental touches also exists.
- Performance - The device is powered by Mediatek Dimensity 7050 which is actually rebranded version of Mediatek Dimensity 1080, which is decent performer for a midrange device. It is paired with 8GB RAM which is uncommon at this price range, most devices have 6GB RAM at this price range.
- Camera's - Primary camera is of 50MP lens which takes good shots and then there is 8MP ultrawide lens and two 2MP rubbish useless cameras. Overall the camera performance is decent. Front camera is 16 MP which is okaish for the price.
- Battery - 4700 mAh with pretty fast 66W wired charging.
- Software - Launched with Android 13 and will get Android updates.
- All the important 5G bands are also available and there is no cost cutting on sensors as all necessary sensors are available.
I think the LAVA Agni 2 has unparallel build, display. software experience for the price. So if these thing are your main priority then you need to seriously look at this phone.